Ciao folks, hiking in Florence new episode:)
This time we will stay in Florence, actually slightly outside the borders of the comune.
I mean nobody knows where it ends Florence and starts Sesto Fiorentino. It’s such a chaos.
So you can consider it Florence. But out of the box 🙂

HIking in Florence location
We will go to visit a little town settled in the hills of Florence/ Sesto Fiorentino.
It’s Cercina, known to the majority for few good restaurants in the area. Known by hikers for it’ perfect position at the feet of Monte Morello.
Cercina is settled in a beautiful environment with great farms, especially this one:
This farm is not only producing amazing products but also has a big mission behind, helping people.
They have 2 separate headquarters, one is here in Cercina.
Once you reach Cercina you already feel to be in a different environment, olive groves, rolling hills boarded by higher mountains and grasslands.
I recommend you to park your car nearby the church of San Andrea:
Here, normally you can find plenty of space for your cars, otherwise even better come up by bike and lock it here and have a nice hike. 🙂

The hike
The hike from where you left your car is simple, and right outside the church of Sant’ Andrea you can find an explicative panel made by Cai :
Nice, simple and explicative:)
I recommend you head first to say hi to the Radio cora monument, a little and at the same time a touchy monument to remember those who died to give us freedom from the Nazi occupation.
You will be walking along the paths 16 and 64, a bit of these 2 paths is the itinerary today.
So walk along the pavement road that starts from the church and heads toward the mountain, not the downhill one.
After less than 1 km you see the yellow signs on your right, take and head straight.
You will see the Cai signs also pointing right towards where you started, you have to follow them from Radio Cora to head back towards La fonte farm and you will never leave again the Cai path signs.
Walk through a beautiful olive grove and head up towards a castle that in this moment is under restoration.
From the Castle keep following the path sign and head back to the car by the church.
Hiking and lunch

When you go hiking, you also need to have lunch, eat and drink something. This itinerary is perfect for these things as well.
Respecting the private properties you will walk through, stop somewhere you can, to have a nice pic-nic.
There 2 – 3 spots where you can actually lay down and relax without problem. Even in the summer to escape from the boiling city center you can come up in Cercina and chill under some shady tree.

Last but not least It’s important to mention that you can see the Dome of Florence from everywhere you can. It’s magnificent and you will notice how big it is.
Keep in mid paths 16 and 64 to hike in this area. There are more paths and from here you can hike to Piazzale Leonardo (Monte Acuto).
Use your fantasy dn don’t put limits to yourself.
On my komoot profile you can find my walks or runs in the area.
At the end. It’s a nice hike, wonderful location, easy and simple for family too.
For others ideas: